Friday, May 11, 2007

Everything has an End

I guess the phrase 'everything has an end' is true. I just got off the phone with my piano teacher, Mrs. Eka, telling me that she couldn't make tomorrow's lesson but that a make-up session could be done next Saturday. Gee, what a way to let her down gently that my recital was, in fact, the last time I would be playing with her.

Can I hear a collective 'ouch'?

And oh merde did she have to sound so polite? 'Oh, I see, okay. That's fine' etcetera etcetera. Of course I rushed in to say thank you for everything she's taught and to definitely call me next recital so I can drop by... but everything just felt really bad. And over the phone too.. ugh.

I'm just... really bummed out. Anyone got any good things to cheer me up?