Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Coming to an End?

I've created another blog with a serious email. This means serious things. Changes. So serious stuff (just the beginning of this sentence is evidence of a need of change) will be henceforth banished (I think I was trying too hard on this one) from this livejournal. Maybe rants? No, that may be pertinent too. How about those quick messages like:

"Life scuks!?" or "I HATE HIM GRRR =P"

Yes, I think that's appropriate for this place. For now. I think. We'll see. The end.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Everything has an End

I guess the phrase 'everything has an end' is true. I just got off the phone with my piano teacher, Mrs. Eka, telling me that she couldn't make tomorrow's lesson but that a make-up session could be done next Saturday. Gee, what a way to let her down gently that my recital was, in fact, the last time I would be playing with her.

Can I hear a collective 'ouch'?

And oh merde did she have to sound so polite? 'Oh, I see, okay. That's fine' etcetera etcetera. Of course I rushed in to say thank you for everything she's taught and to definitely call me next recital so I can drop by... but everything just felt really bad. And over the phone too.. ugh.

I'm just... really bummed out. Anyone got any good things to cheer me up?

Saturday, April 14, 2007

After Prom and all is Said and Done...

My feet are killing me. But last night was THE BEST! Even though it took some convincing (and dragging) to get my dance partner on the floor, I managed it. Overall, it was one of the perfect ways to end the year. Only got about 15 school days left before I graduate. Then it's college-bound.

Now that I'm descending from my euphoria, I realized that I haven't heard back about those Honor Programs. They said they'd give a decision in April (which is now) but I haven't heard anything back. I'm getting impatient about it.. even though it's only the 14th... but still, what if...? I really, really want it.

Onto other things, I've got two tests and two quizzes set for this week. As of now, I've had three consecutive weeks filled with tests and quizzes. Can you tell the teachers are cramming everything in before we leave? And I've still got those fabulous website projects to work on. I don't think the load's lessened at all. And I'm getting restless; I feel like doing something. Preferably memorizing a 20-page, 2 pianos duet before May. Oh and taking about 15 songs (my old recital pieces in fact) and creating a medley. Merde.

I need to call Brook Mays PianoMax to see if we (teacher? me? both of us?) could rent an upright piano, or something, for the recital. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for cheap prices.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Morning started right

So I woke up at 8 a.m. to get ready for breakfast with one of my friends. We had decided to dine in La Madeleine and discuss philosophy, films, college, and life in general. Can I just say, it was EXACTLY what the doctor ordered. Well, I was sick and had taken several wrong turns to get there, but all in all, perfect way to start the day.

I knew once I got home I'd need to study for the two tests I have tomorrow. And as of now, I'm 99.5% completed with studying.

I also received word from Creative Minds about the sample website -- loved it but I need to change the color theme. Which, unfortunately, will be tough but well worth the 200 dollars I'm getting for it. I've yet to start making the graphic on rotation matrices but... I'll get to it once these tests are conquered. Now that I think about it, I've got them all in my morning classes. I suppose I'm glad I'll get it over with but still, it'll be a stressful morning for me.

My father and I went out to buy more detergent. We ended up adding brownies and baclava to the list. I think it was a productive purchase.

I realized that transportation for the prom needs to be addressed. Hopefully we can work something out about that. My dad won't be there to see me off since he's leaving this Wednesday (he'll be gone for ten days) but I'll be sure to take lots of pictures to remember this. But if my camera's too large then perhaps I can snag a few from my friends. (HOPEFULLY!)

I suddenly remembered tackling the athletic department's websites. Since I've got time now, I think I'll go work on that.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

20 days and counting

This fall, I'll be starting in university, dorms, and basically the entire college experience. I'm excited, completely excited. I can't wait to try the new things out there. Doesn't that sound unbelievably naive? In any case, I think there comes a time when you feel that change is needed. I'm just going through the motions in classes. Yes, I'm keeping grades up (straight A's, well, there is that B in Physiology) but really, I'm looking forward to other things.

Prom for one thing.

Right now I'm pretty busy with these website projects. Swamped, in fact. One in particular takes up all my time, the one for UC Berkeley. Its focus is on mathematics. Enough said, I believe. The others aren't too bad, although I'm creating a cover page for a school, Creative Minds, and I couldn't help but obsess that maybe I had overdone it. I haven't heard back from them yet (uploaded the files to a personal website and emailed them the link) so I'm waiting on that.

I was planning on doing websites for the entire Atheletic department (suicidal, I know) but so many teachers were approaching me, I was getting giddy so I agreed. Now where does that leave me? An overdue permission form for the Sports Banquet, that's what.

And I haven't heard back from the Honors Program about my admission. What if I don't get it? I HAVE TO GET IT.

The past week and the one coming up will be hectic. Reasons? I had a test everyday last week. And Tuesday (the day I get back to school) I've got two tests. Then Wednesday, another test. Thursday? Probably a quiz. And Friday? Prom's that night and I'll hardly have time to prepare. Or maybe I'm just worrying. Need to work out transportation since my father won't be there and my mother can't drive at night. I'll have to talk it out with the others later.

Actually, I'm looking forward to tomorrow because I'm having breakfast out with a friend. We're thinking of stopping by La Madeleine, discussing philosophy, life, and college. You know, the basic stuff. It will definitely be the highlight of the day, although that night, I'll be studying like mad.

Did I mention I have a cold? Horrible yesterday but manageable today. I prescribed myself a Shirley Temple movie marathon, peanut butter sandwiches, chocolate milk, and looking up hopelessly romantic quotes like "I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow".

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Cold Case Episode: Wishing

I just watched an old Cold Case episode, Wishing. I was very... emotionally touched by this particular episode, by the singularly pure acting of one Damien Midkiff. I did a brief search to see if maybe, maybe he appeared in anything else. Apart from the few appearances in other shows like ER or the Gilmore Girls. And of course, I found some raving reviews on his acting ability on the stage. Unsurprising, in my opinion.

Anyway, in this Cold Case episode, he played a young man (Colin Miller) who was mentally disabled. His mother had breast cancer, and his only caretaker that realy cared was too young to get custody of him. He believed in wishes coming true and... I can't even continue this. It's fiction, I get that, but it just really made me sad to see it.

It appears that I'm not the only one to feel that way because I read an entry about him on this French blog (I take French so no big deal for me!)

Basically it says that he (or she? don't know the blogger's gender) saw him (Damien Midkiff) play in Cold Case. He showed such eloquence and his acting was really pure. He was pleasantly surprised and wouldn't hesitate to see the films that he'll play in.. I COULDN'T AGREE MORE!!